Category: Tattered Heart

A New Tattered Heart

So, I have done the unexpected, the unconventional, perhaps the unwise but it’s done regardless. I have (sort of) rewritten Tattered Heart. The Long Version (There’s a Short Version you can skip down to, if you don’t want to read all this) Years ago, I mean YEARS ago, I bought a compilation of The Lyra […]

December 19, 2022 | Posted in Tattered Heart
Tattered Heart is an audiobook

At long last, the Tattered Heart audiobook is available! I’ve written this post a couple of dozen times over the past year, some more eloquent than others and now that I sit down and finally get to type it out, I can’t remember any of the heartfelt or charming things I was going to say. […]

April 18, 2016 | Posted in Tattered Heart
The Making of a Map

Maps are about recording discoveries. One thinks of Lewis & Clark or Magellan stepping out into places in the world few had traversed; exploring untamed frontiers and sketching everything they saw, everything they learned. Redefining the shape of the world. Fantasy worlds are perhaps the closest we have to frontiers in a day and age […]

September 26, 2015 | Posted in Books, Enchanted Storms, Tattered Heart
when words toy with you

I have a fairly robust vocabulary. I’m pretty sure it’s from reading so much as a kid without any concept of “reading level.” And I love nuance in words. Maybe that comes in part from my vocabulary and maybe it’s just a part of my personality – I don’t know. But the subtle differences in […]

December 8, 2014 | Posted in Tattered Heart
Tattered Heart pronunciation guide

The thing about fantasy worlds is that they require a bit of a new language; at the very least new words. Or familiar words with unfamiliar spellings. When I was writing Tattered Heart I selected and created words to evoke the culture of this story. I didn’t really consider the pronunciation of these words because […]

October 6, 2014 | Posted in Tattered Heart
adventures in audiobooks

I hadn’t planned on doing an audiobook. I hadn’t really planned on much of anything. When I first decided I was going to self-publish Tattered Heart it was just going to be an ebook for who knows how long. Then, maybe, something hard copy. And that was it. But I got a request through goodreads […]

June 4, 2014 | Posted in Life, Tattered Heart
Tattered Heart is now available

I was going to use a more interesting subject – something along the lines of “no going back” or something else I thought of one day and have since forgotten but then I decided the smart marketing move would be to just say you can read Tattered Heart now. In fact, you can buy a […]

March 11, 2014 | Posted in Tattered Heart
Tattered Heart Cover Reveal

I love stories. I even like stories about stories so I’m going to subject you to mine. I’ve written Tattered Heart probably a dozen times. Officially, there have been 10 drafts, but that doesn’t count the two or three false starts where I couldn’t figure out how to get from the beginning to the end […]

November 10, 2013 | Posted in Tattered Heart

I finished the latest draft of my book tonight. It made me cry, which is kind of awesome. Except, I have the perfect soundtrack to compliment it – the songs I put together and have been listening to as I wrote it. So, of course I skipped to the happy, beautiful songs at the end […]

January 16, 2011 | Posted in Tattered Heart
43,639 today

I’m writing a book, have I mentioned that?  It’s a fairy tale and I’ve been working on it very gradually for probably three years now.  I probably haven’t mentioned it because I’ve never done this sort of thing before.  I wanted to see if I was capable of writing a whole novel, if there was that […]

April 2, 2010 | Posted in Tattered Heart