Category: Life

Godlike superheroes

Holy Week encompasses extreme lows as we remember Jesus was beaten and crucified, and the brightest, incomprehensible joys in His resurrection. Herein also lies a fissure between the reality of Jesus and the expectations of humanity. Jesus’ life is well chronicles in the Bible. His humble, miraculous birth to a virgin is told in our […]

March 31, 2024 | Posted in faith, Story Courses
NovaTeen 2019

NoVaTeen is a book festival put on every year in the DC area by One More Page Books and a couple of county libraries (there’s several counties all clustered together around here). The focus is on YA books and authors and every year it’s a great blend of interesting, serious topics with lighthearted, frivolous fun. […]

April 8, 2019 | Posted in author events, Life
adventures in audiobooks

I hadn’t planned on doing an audiobook. I hadn’t really planned on much of anything. When I first decided I was going to self-publish Tattered Heart it was just going to be an ebook for who knows how long. Then, maybe, something hard copy. And that was it. But I got a request through goodreads […]

June 4, 2014 | Posted in Life, Tattered Heart
Purchasing Identity

I read an article in Details 2 years ago (Dec 2006) and I thought it was interesting at the time; a thought provoking reflection of an influential though often overlooked generation. But rather than simply reposting it (since I can’t find it on Details which is usually really good about posting their articles) I’ve taken […]

December 16, 2008 | Posted in Life