Tag: audiobook

Tattered Heart is an audiobook

At long last, the Tattered Heart audiobook is available! I’ve written this post a couple of dozen times over the past year, some more eloquent than others and now that I sit down and finally get to type it out, I can’t remember any of the heartfelt or charming things I was going to say. […]

April 18, 2016 | Posted in Tattered Heart
when words toy with you

I have a fairly robust vocabulary. I’m pretty sure it’s from reading so much as a kid without any concept of “reading level.” And I love nuance in words. Maybe that comes in part from my vocabulary and maybe it’s just a part of my personality – I don’t know. But the subtle differences in […]

December 8, 2014 | Posted in Tattered Heart
adventures in audiobooks

I hadn’t planned on doing an audiobook. I hadn’t really planned on much of anything. When I first decided I was going to self-publish Tattered Heart it was just going to be an ebook for who knows how long. Then, maybe, something hard copy. And that was it. But I got a request through goodreads […]

June 4, 2014 | Posted in Life, Tattered Heart