Tag: those moments

Two Days as Penny Lane

I tried to write this post once before but couldn’t find the words. Because it isn’t about the facts. It isn’t about back to back concerts. It’s not really about the music, even though that’s the heart of everything. Getting lost in a world for even a little while, letting friends create a community, living […]

June 11, 2017 | Posted in Life
When a holiday is a Monday

When a holiday is a Monday…. It’s like a gift to Sunday. Sundays are practical days, things to do days. While I can sleep in, it’s not indefinite. There are timelines and clocks and a week ahead to prepare for. There is grocery shopping and cooking and money to reconcile and putting things in place […]

September 6, 2015 | Posted in Life
possibility and hope

The thing I love about new years is it reminds us of possibility. It always exists – tomorrow could bring any number of new things into our lives. We can change ourselves on any given day and decide who we want to become and start making the choices to create that reality. But we forget […]

December 31, 2014 | Posted in Life
One more step

I’ve been running intervals ever since a dear friend introduced me to them. It’s incredibly simple: walk 2min/run 30sec for 10 intervals. Then, as you progress, increase your intensity until you walk 30sec/run 30sec. I never liked running before because it’s so hard and I always felt so tired and weak by the end of […]

August 30, 2012 | Posted in Life
Good Friday

I appreciate when Good Friday is overcast. It seems appropriate. I know, this isn’t the actual day that Jesus died. But I suspect the Earth knows the right day; that it bears a scar the way you can see a storm in the rings of a tree, even if humanity has lost track. So today, […]

April 10, 2009 | Posted in faith, Life
living out loud

Some days you’re driving and someone in a car near you is smoking and it wafts into your car and every now and then, when the right melancholy song is on the radio, it smells good. Maybe you have to have smoked once or twice for that to be the case. To have felt it […]

March 11, 2007 | Posted in Life