Tag: RRSciFiMonth

Every day sci-fi

I was thinking about my topics for Sci-fi November, considering what I wanted to explore in the genre or specific books or tv shows to discuss, I realized everything is kind of sci-fi these days. It’s really not, but in some ways sci-fi has strayed in very ordinary places. Some stories have space ships and […]

November 9, 2015 | Posted in Life
Sci-fi and fairy tale legacies

I really wanted to pull off a sci-fi fairy tale legacy. How cool would that be to look at a sci-fi story that’s really a fairy tale and explore how it fits into or defies the fairy tale legacy? But I couldn’t find one. Mostly I looked at tv shows because that’s my favorite sci-fi […]

November 2, 2015 | Posted in Story Courses
the bane of strong women

Years ago, so many years ago the link is long gone and there is no evidence of this quote other than my memory, Scarlett Johansson was giving an interview because she was starring in The Island. I can’t remember the question but her response to it has (obviously) stayed with me. She said how great […]

November 24, 2014 | Posted in meme
My deep, dark book secret

I have a book secret I almost put into my author bio but my sister encouraged me not to so I wouldn’t alienate any potential non-geek readers. Plus, it’s not particularly related to fairy tales. But it seems just the thing to confess for Sci-Fi November. It’s entirely possible I’ve read more ST:TNG novels than […]

November 17, 2014 | Posted in meme
the genre divide

Most people read sci-fi and fantasy because they enjoy imaginary worlds, extraordinary experiences, ideas beyond our current reality. Some people are biased. They like one genre and refused to acknowledge the merits or engage with the other. I have a friend who runs a sci-fi only book club and absolutely no elements of fantasy are […]

November 10, 2014 | Posted in Commentary
Sci-Fi Nov: Confessions of an oblivious geek

Odd as it may seem, I never knew I was a geek. I could probably come up with all sorts of reasons why I was unaware but part of it was that I had no point of comparison. My friends bought me guides to Star Trek: The Next Generation and never let on that this […]

November 3, 2014 | Posted in meme