Civil War encampment

June 23, 2012

I’m not a huge fan of modern history. I like Victorian London and medieval Europe in my fiction. With true history I’m more interested in the sociology and mythology of ancient cultures (particularly Greece and Rome). But that is probably in part because they have the best stories.

So when I got the offer to go see a Civil War encampment recreation, I kind of only went because I didn’t have anything better to do. And it might be cool.

Civil War Camp

Admittedly, it was pretty interesting. Everyone worked hard to create authenticity and there’s something interesting about history that is tangible; standing in the places where people walked hundreds of years ago and getting a glimpse into what life was like for them.

Civil War Soldiers

I’ll tell you one thing, it made me incredibly grateful to be alive now; having the convenience of a consistently warm home; not having to worry about how I’ll find food or drinking clean water; being able to get so many places so quickly because I have a car and don’t have to ride a horse or walk. My life is looks rather spectacular at the moment.

Posted in: Life ~

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